Stucco artist, sculptor, Italian architect, born in Chiasso near Como, died in Brno, Moravia. He came from Italy around 1679 to Moravia where he worked as a decorator of the bishop’s residence in Kromieryż, then in Olomouc, in the castle of Schebetau et al.
He came to Poland for the first time in 1693, when, at the request of Barbara Morsztynowa, he made stucco work in the Morsztyn chapel at the Church of St. Clement in Wieliczka.
Around 1695 he came to Krakow for the second time and made many decorations in the church of St. Anne, in the Italian chapel in the Franciscan church, commissioned by the Italian Brotherhood – Confraternita di San Giovanni Battista della Natione Italiana, in the church of St. Andrew, in the Dominican church, in the house “Pod Gruszką” at Szczepańska 1 st. and many others.
Baltazar was the most prominent representative of the late Baroque silk-screen sculpture, he had a serious influence on the development of art in Poland.