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Jordana Park

The park is located on Aleja May the 3rd no 11 in Krakow. Was established according to the design of B. Małecki in 1887. On Błonia – 7 ha, where the national exhibition was held. The initiator was Dr. Henryk Jordan – a great friend of children and a pioneer of sport in Krakow. Therefore, the park was named after him and is intended mainly for children and teenagers.

The entrance to the park used to be through a wooden bridge over Ciepła Woda – one of the arms flowing near the Rudawa River. To decorate the park, the author donated many busts of important Polish people, including: Jan Kochanowski, Mikołaj Kopernik, Konstanty Ostrogski, Jan Długosz and many others – most of them did not survive the test of time. Some interesting facts about the park: there are 232 benches, the jogging path is 1 km long, the whole park is 22 hectares, there are two playgrounds, a maze of hedges.

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