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Rożek Michał – famus historian from Krakow

Rożek Michał was born in 1946 in Krakow. Graduated from Jagiellonian University in history of art in 1969, in 1972, completed a doctorate, habilitated in 1979, and finally docent in 1980. His life path was connected not only with the oldest university in Poland. Since 1973 Michał has been working in the History Institute of Pedagogical School in Krakow.

Besides his educational work, Rożek is a well-known author of multiple articles published in such magazines as: “Echo Krakowa“, “Tygodnik Powszechny”, “Kraków”, “Analecta Cracoviensa” and much more. Michał was also the author of books about Krakow – “Celebrations in Baroque Krakow” (1976), ” Artistic patronage of the Kraków burghers in the 18th century” (1977), “Viennese tradition in Krakow” (1983), and far more.
Coworked with Krakow Television Center at the realization of various recurring programs as “Unknown Krakow”, “Secrets of old Krakow”, “Sensations from the past”.

He was honored with multiple awards – in 1978 and 1988 with “Echo of Krakow” for books of the year about Krakow, in 1978 and 1982 with the prize of Minister of Science, 1987 Robel prize, 1990 award Krakow city.
He died in 2015 in the city, which he sacrificed his whole life, of course – Krakow.

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