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Zoological garden in Krakow

Located in the Wolski Forest near Kosciuszko Mound, Krakow Zoo is a great place to spend time with your family.  The zoological garden in Krakow is home to 1300 animals. They were gathered with the purpose of bringing the nature closer to the people and educating about the importance of wildlife protection.

Animal species in Krakow Zoo

There are over 1300 species in Krakow Zoo, from domestic animals like donkeys and stags to giraffes and exotic birds. Animals from all over the world can be admired in Krakow Zoo. There are Indian elephants, chimpanzees, zebras, sloths, raccoons, alpacas, and many many more. Wildcats that are kept in the Zoo include Asian lions, jaguars, panthers, Siberian tigers, snow leopards. The many beautiful birds living in Krakow Zoo include pink flamingos, ostriches, and peafowls. It is also home to several species of eagles, owls, and parrots. There are also aquariums with many species of reptiles, amphibians, and fish.

Siberian tiger is one of the rare animals living in Krakow zoological garden

One of the main aims of the Zoo is the reproduction and reintroducing to their natural habitat the species who had lost the ability to live in the wild. Krakow Zoo takes extra focus on inbreeding with particular regard to the species that are endangered.

Around 100 of the species in Krakow zoological garden has been listed as endangered. Among them are the Siberian tiger, snow leopard, red panda and pygmy hippopotamus. Krakow Zoo is set on promoting the idea of animal protection and the role of zoos in modern societies.

Opening hours and tickets

Krakow zoological garden is open year-round from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (ticket offices close at 2 p.m.)

Feeding hours

Visitors to the Zoo have a chance to participate in animal feeding.

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