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Rotary Klub

On October 12, 1991, the Rotary Club Card was handed over, reactivated on November 29, 1990 after 50 years in Krakow. Rotary International was founded in Chicago in 1905, the name derives from the word “rotating” – because the club did not initially have a permanent seat, members met at various venues. The founder was Paul Harris, and the slogan “Give before you take”. This institution operates through clubs, chained into districts, and its headquarters are currently in Houston, USA. Before the war, Polish clubs had their own district – number 85. In November 1993, the first club in Krakow was established, including Jan Gwiazdomorski, Roman Dybowski, Jerzy Langrod, Walery Goetel and Odon Bujwid. The first convention of the district took place in Warsaw, it was attended by the club’s president – E.R. Johnson from Chicago USA. Currently, the club in Krakow has 42 members and is part of the Malmoe district. All club members count 1.2 million people in 27 clubs.

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