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Eljasz Wojciech

Painter, born in Cerekwica in 1814, died in Krakow in 1904. He studied at the Krakow School of Fine Arts, he was also a teacher at the parish school. He mainly painted religious pictures for churches. In the Reformed Church there are his paintings: “The Vision of St. Anthony” and “Stigmata of St. Francis” as well as “Saint Peter of Alcantara“, and in the Capuchin monastery a miniature portrait of one of the monks. In the Historical Museum of Krakow, two banners of his work are kept: with St. Florian and with St. Stanisław Szczepanowski. In 1867, he collaborated with the restoration of the Wit Stwosz altar in St. Mary’s Church. He had two sons: Władysław and a daughter Maria.

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