Fires in Krakow

Over centuries Krakow suffered from multiple fires. Citizens saw a burning castle, building, townhouses, palaces and churches or synagogues.

Below you can find the list of more significant fires that haunted Krakow:

1025 – Cathedral on Wawel Hill is burning, Boleslaw Chrobry, King of Poland built this temple.

1125 – In “Kapituła Krakowska” we can find information, that the terrifying fire had burned down that whole Krakow.

1241, 1259 – Tatars invasion – the city has been set on fire twice, each time burned down completely.

1306 – As a result of arson the All Saints church, wooden part of Wawel Castle has been destroyed.

1455 – Near to Saint Peter church, the fire started. All houses along Grodzka and Kanonicza street burned down. It also affected nearby churches and Collegium Iuridicum.

1500 – Fire on Wawel Hill, after destroying, Castle had been rebuild in renaissance style.

1536 – Rebuilt part of Wawel Castle was burned down.

1587 – During Krakows siege suburbs of the city – Kleparz, Garbary, Smoleńsk till Groble had been destroyed.

1655 – From 25 September till 18 October, Krakow suffered from Sweden siege. During this time, the suburbs’ area has been burned, in the city centre – Biskupi Palace and Franciscan Church were affected by the fire.

1702 – The most dreadful fire haunted Wawel Castle. Fire set by Sweden army lasted four days and wrecked the Kings headquarter.

1850 – Fire set on 18 July, citizens managed to extinguish it on 24th. It is described as the most significant fire ever happened to Krakow, a big part of the city had been burned down during it.

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