St. John’s Fair is a few days of outdoor events maintained in a historical setting. In June, a few days before Feast of St. John the Baptist (in Polish noc świętojańska, noc Kupały) the most authentic medieval town is built on the riverbank just at the foot of Wawel Hill. Craftsmen and artists bring back old Polish customs and traditions and spend several days in canvas tents, just as our ancestors several centuries ago.

St. John’s Fair Krakow 2015
Visitors to the fair can participate in horse shows, try traditional Slavic cuisine, beer and honey sold in wooden food stalls, buy amber jewellery and historic costumes. There are attractions for the participants of all ages, like court dance workshops, making wreaths, weaving, embroidery, shooting bows and holding a real sword, as well as puzzles and field games.
St. John’s Fair 2017
This year the St. John’s Fair will take place on the weekend of 16-18 June.