Anczyc Władysław Ludwik

Anczyc Władysław Ludwik was born in 1823, he was a son of famous actor and director Anczyc Zygmunt.  He was using several pseudonims: Kazimierz Góralczyk, W.A.Lassota . He finished studies to become an apothecary, but, because of his conflict with pharmacy supervision organization, he was fired from the Jagiellonian University where he was working at the department of Chemistry, and was forbidden to open his own pharmacy. Thanks to this unlucky events Krakow received a great writer, poet and a printing house, that became an important part of the city.

Władysław Ludwik was taking part in Krakow revolt and Krakow events of Springtime of Nations in XIX century. Many of his words were dedicated to Polish folk themes, for example “Chłopi – arystokraci”( Peasants – aristocrats), “Łobzowanie”, “Flisacy”(Raftsmen).  In 1861-1866 he was publishing 2 newspapers in Warsaw, “Kmiotka”(Brush) and “Wędrowiec”(Wanderer). In 1875 he is buying an old printing house “Kraju” at 19 Starowiślna St (now nr 3 at Starowiślna St), then moved it to 9 Kanonicza St.. He died in 1883. His son Anczyc Wacław inherited and continues his business.

There is a memory board at St. Salwator church dedicated to Anczyc Władysław Ludwik, his name was given to one of the streets at the area of Salwator in Krakow and one of the printing houses in Krakow.

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