An irregular periodical, appearing more or less every two months – it was created in June 1992 in Krakow. Established by a group of friends from the Salwator Gontyna Street. He quickly gained collaborators in other Polish cities. It is a completely atypical historical – manners – cultural – social
Sports magazine bimonthly published since December 1988 in Krakow. Published by Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe Turystyczno-Wydawnicze “Narty”. The main subject of the publications posted here in the winter season is skiing and everything related to it: mountains, shelters. In the summer season, tennis, sails and more. Janusz Zielonacki was the first editor-in-chief
Magazine published weekly. It has been published since November 11, 1989, by the Regional Board of NSZZ “Solidarność”. It publishes articles, reports, information related to social and union issues. Wojciech Marchewczyk became the first editor-in-chief.
A monthly magazine in Krakow devoted to the art market. Its purpose is to inform about interesting works appearing in antique shops and galleries. They have been publishing it since 1996.
The most known Krakow newspaper, the afternoon Krakow news daily. It has been published since March 10, 1946, initially by the MC of the PPR. The first editor-in-chief was Adam Polewka. From April 1, 1949 to January 31, 1956 it appeared as a mutation of “Express Wieczorny”, from February 1,
In 1990-1995 it was published as a daily newspaper in Krakow, since 1996 it has been a weekly, published by Spółka Akcyjna Arka Press, and it follows the tradition of the former daily of the same name. He publishes articles, interviews, discussions on socio-political issues. Jan Polkowski became the first
It is the oldest bridge magazine in Krakow, even in Poland, you can find there reports from the most important bridge events, profiles of players, interesting deals, stratagems, new systems and gadgets, game maneuvers and many more. The authors include the most prominent Polish and foreign players.
Journal issued by the Foundation of the same name. It appears irregularly, it was created in the underground in the UJ in the mid-1980s Krakow. Controversial texts are included – surprising, even though many of the materials are merely literary propositions generally considered interesting.
Bimonthly, an independent political and cultural magazine in Krakow. Founded by a group of intellectuals associated with the opposition before August 1980, it appeared in the uncensored circulation since 1990 and is officially released.
A monthly magazine dedicated to the protection of the human environment. Published in Krakow by the “Sigma” Publishing House of Technical Journals and Books. The first issue appeared in January 1973, the first editor-in-chief was prof. Tadeusz Wojtaszek. The ambition of “Aura” is a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to the