You may see the name Prądnik on buses or maps – it is correct, the Krakow‘s districts Prądnik Biały and Prądnik Czerwony owe their names to the small river that flows through it. Prądnik river has its source in Sułoszowa village, with length of 35 kilometres flows through Ojcow National
Potok Olszanicki has its source near to Krakow-Balice airport. This inconspicuous stream, with a length of only 4 kilometers, is quite dangerous. Potok Olszanicki feeds Rudawa river, thankfully, before the drinking water intake. The stream is very contaminated on all its length. In other situations – it would pollute the
Besides the Vistula, the biggest river which is crossing the Krakow, there are still some other, smaller rivers, important for the city transportation. One of them is Dłubnia, 51 kilometers long river. It has its source in Trzyciąż village, then flows through Iwanowice, Michałowice fills the retention reservoir and heading
You may feel confused right now and think – what, Republic of Krakow? I am here to explain. The official name was – Free, Independent, and Strictly Neutral City of Krakow with Its District. With the Congress of Vienna from 3rd May 1815, the republic was established. It covered an
You may hear about Rubinstein cosmetics – a brand well known around the world. Meet her founder! Helena was born in Krakow in 1872, as she tends to conceal some information about her origin (especially in her diary “My life for the beauty”) – let’s see what we know about
There were located colonies occupied by the landowner dignitalists, Vistula fishers, castle servants, breweries, timber yards, and bell foundry, located between Wawel Hill and Vistula River in Krakow. There is a local legend that in Rybaki has his studio Wit Stwosz – author of sculptures on Mariacki altar. It says
Rożek Michał was born in 1946 in Krakow. Graduated from Jagiellonian University in history of art in 1969, in 1972, completed a doctorate, habilitated in 1979, and finally docent in 1980. His life path was connected not only with the oldest university in Poland. Since 1973 Michał has been working
St. Margaret and St. Judith Chapel is a small, wooden church located on ul. Blessed Bronisława. The place is associated with pagan times. Legend has it that two statues of the gods of wind stood near Krakow: Świst on Mount Lasota and Poświst, in the place where the described chapel
Korzeniowski’s Nałęcz Apollo was a poet, playwright, and translator. was born in 1820 in Honoratka in Podolia, he was the father of Joseph Conrad. He studied Oriental studies and law in St. Petersburg, then moved to Warsaw, where he edited the “Dwutygodnik” magazine. He collaborated with pre-uprising underground groups and
Korpalowie is a well-known family of artists, mainly painters and sculptors, who came to Krakow probably in the 18th century from Podlasie. Famous family members: Korpal, Michał Adam Korpal, Michał Stefan Korpal Alexander Korpal Tadeusz Korpal Grażyna