The park is located on Aleja May the 3rd no 11 in Krakow. Was established according to the design of B. Małecki in 1887. On Błonia – 7 ha, where the national exhibition was held. The initiator was Dr. Henryk Jordan – a great friend of children and a pioneer
In Nowa Huta, on the Dłubnia River, a park was established separating the plant from the city. On the Dłubnia River, a reservoir of several hectares with an island was created. Thanks to sports facilities, this park is very popular among the residents of Nowa Huta in Krakow.
The park, located on Królowej Jadwigi Street in Krakow, was established between 1533-1540. The secretary of King Sigismund I the Old, while building his suburban summer residence, also established a palace garden. Its beautiful location and the renaissance composition of the park aroused general admiration. The old tree stand was
In addition to the former “soda plants” belonging to the Solvay company, there is a pine forest in Borek Fałęcki, covering over 35 ha. Developed for tourists, with marked walking paths, it is a great place for recreation for this factory district of Krakow.
The park located in Podgórze was established in 1884 by a teacher, Wojciech Bednarski. He took the initiative to establish it in a former quarry on the slope of Krzemionki. A beautiful landscape park was created on an area of 7.2 ha, which, combined with the nearby stadium of the
Krakow is a city relatively poor in greenery and places to relax – it has only 2.7 m2 of greenery per one inhabitant. The oldest garden in Kraków, probably established in 1241, is the garden at the Franciscan monastery. From the 16th century, private gardens began to appear at the
The Ludwik Solski State Theater School is located at 22 Floriana Straszewskiego Street in Krakow. The first efforts to establish a drama school were undertaken in 1865. There were also the Stanisław Knake-Zawadzki school, the Gabriela Zapolska school, the Michał Przybyłowicz school, and the Kazimierz Gabryelski school. School – that’s
Graphic artist, master of woodcutting, born in Tarnów as the son of a printer. From 1937 he studied at the Institute of Fine Arts in Krakow. He took part in the September Campaign in 1939, then continued his education until 1942. After leaving school, he worked as a draftsman in
Located at Lubicz 4 Street in Krakow, right next to the Main Railway Station is located Wołodkowicz Palace. It is now the seat of the post office. Rebuilt in 1884 according to the design of Tadeusz Stryjeński and Władysław Ekielski, it is a beautiful example of eclecticism modeled of French
The palace, located at no 4 All Saints’ Square, unfortunately, cannot be assigned to a specific sponsor, it is not known who built it. What is certain is that since 1655 it has been owned by Jan Wielopolski. Before that – Ostrogski, Tarnowski and others. It remained in the hands